umgeher's changelog


git - how?


Git is a free and open source distributed version control system designed to handle everything from small to very large projects with speed and efficiency.

“Talk is cheap. Show me the code.”

– Linus Torvalds


On 3 April 2005, Linus Torvalds began the development of git, after many Linux kernel developers gave up access to BitKeeper. Just 3 days after, on 6 April, Torvalds announced the project. And the next day, it became self-hosting.

On 26 July 2005, Linus Torvalds turned over git’s project maintenance to Junio Hamano. Hamano is the project’s core maintainer since.


The basic/usual git workflow is the following:

  • Create/clone a git repository, all your work is done in this Working Directory.
  • Once your work reaches your goal, your changes are added to the Staging Area.
  • Now your Staging Area contains everything you want to commit, you can save changes to the git repository.


working directorycreate, edit and delete files
staging areachanges that you made in working directory
git repositorywhere all changes are storaged


Before you use git, you need to setup your name and email.

Setting up name and email

git config --global "Liz Umgeher"
git config --global ""

Create a repository

git init

Clone a repository

git clone [url/path]

Add a file

git add file

Remove a file

git rm file

Checking status

git status

Commit changes

git commit 

Resume: basic commands

git addadd files to the staging area
git diffshow the difference between the working directory and the staging area
git initcreate a repository
git logdisplay a list of all previus commits
git statusshow contents of the staging area