umgeher's changelog


it took the night to belive – sunn O)))

Articles from blogs I follow around the net

No unmodified files remain from original import of OpenBSD

All files from the original import of OpenBSD have now been modified (or deleted). Appropriately, Theo de Raadt (deraadt@) made the change: CVSROOT: /cvs Module name: src Changes by: 2024/08/23 11:29:08 Modified files: games/quiz : Makefile …

via OpenBSD Journal 2024-08-24 11:46

My IRC client runs on Kubernetes

Trust me, there's a reason for this

via Xe Iaso's blog 2024-08-23 00:00

Emails encryption at rest on OpenBSD using dovecot and GPG

# Introduction In this blog post, you will learn how to configure your email server to encrypt all incoming emails using user's GPG public keys (when it exists). This will prevent anyone from reading the emails, except if you own the according GPG…

via Solene'% 2024-08-19 00:00

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