umgeher's changelog


A alguns dias atras em um pvt…

hmm, como sugestao no seu post do pass, coloca como usar o pass no offlineimap kkk

estou usando outro, vou escrever, vai curtir mais

mbsync/isync e’ um programa para fazer sync de mailboxes. Simples e facil de usar.


CopyArrivalDate yes
Create Both
Expunge Both
Remove Both
Sync All
SyncState *

IMAPAccount umgeher
Host meuHost
User meuUser
PassCmd "pass email/umgeher/me"
AuthMechs LOGIN

IMAPStore umgeher-remote
Account umgeher

MaildirStore umgeher-local
Path ~/mail/
Inbox ~/mail/inbox

Channel umgeher-drafts
Far :umgeher-remote:Drafts
Near :umgeher-local:drafts

Channel umgeher-inbox
Far :umgeher-remote:INBOX
Near :umgeher-local:inbox

Channel umgeher-sent
Far :umgeher-remote:Sent
Near :umgeher-local:sent

Group umgeher
Channel umgeher-drafts
Channel umgeher-inbox
Channel umgeher-sent

Meu arquivo de configuracao nao tem nada de mais, a unica coisa “diferente” e que recomendo e’ o uso do PassCmd. Com ele nao colocamos nosso password fixo no arquivo de configuracao. Podemos usar outro software para entregar o password ao mbsync. No meu caso eu uso o pass.

Mas poderia ser o gnupg1. Exemplo:

PassCmd "gpg --quiet --no-tty --for-your-eyes-only -d ~/.mbsync-password.pgp"

Assim voce pode ter o seu password guardado de forma segura e simples.

Obrigado ao Lucas por me sugerir mais um assunto.

Articles from blogs I follow around the net

Enable local-to-anchors tables in PF rules

In a recent post to tech@ titled let's make pf(4) anchors and tables better friends (possibly originating at the ongoing hackathon) Alexandr Nedvedicky (sashan@) introduced code to enable creating local tables inside anchors in pf(4) rulesets: Date: Sa…

via OpenBSD Journal 2024-07-14 15:42

My fears about AI are not what you think

A clip from a longer stream VOD where I run through my fears with the AI industry

via Xe Iaso's blog 2024-07-08 00:00

WireGuard and Linux network namespaces

# Introduction This guide explains how to setup a WireGuard tunnel on Linux using a dedicated network namespace so you can choose to run a program on the VPN or over clearnet. I have been able to figure the setup thanks to the following blog post, I enh…

via Solene'% 2024-07-04 00:00

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